
Here you’ll find information about cyanotype artists based in Cyprus, Spain and Norway.
You can read their bios, see samples of their work and connect with them through their Social Media. 


Souzana Petri, ceramicist and designer-maker from Cyprus.

Souzana Petri, ceramicist and designer-maker from Cyprus.

Sousana Petri, a ceramicist and designer-maker, has been running her workshop in the historical center of Nicosia, at Ermou street, for the last five years.

Mike, artist, from Spain

Mike, artist, from Spain

Introducing Mike, a visionary artist from Germany living in Spain. 

Kat Siurek, artist, Norway

Kat Siurek, artist, Norway

Kat is working with the subjective experiences of our sensual perceptions.

Torill Næsheim, artist, Norway

Torill Næsheim, artist, Norway

Meet Torill Næsheim, a talented artist based in Oslo. With a background in graphic design and illustration since 1986,

Agnete Tangrand , Artist, Norway

Agnete Tangrand , Artist, Norway

Meet Agnete Tangrand a multidisciplinary artist born in Lofoten in 1979.


Nina Beyer, artist, Norway

Nina Beyer, artist, Norway

Meet Nina Beyer, a master of her craft, who effortlessly captures the essence of her inner world on canvas.